Good to know

If you got more questions, feel free to reach out to us using the form below, and our dedicated team will respond to your inquiries promptly.

Reach out to us through a trial contact form and we will contact you. You will then be able to send us your text with photos for publishing indicating to us which media channel (from our available ones) you want to publish your content on, and we will publish it asap. This will be free of cost, as a showcase for you about what you can get from using our services.

You can send your text with any amount of words (recommended 400-1000 words), and 1-4 photos. Links are allowed. You will need to indicate which photo should be used as the featured image.

In the trial you can only publish 1 article and it will be live for 3 days. If you subscribe the article will remain permanent.

Subscription is automatic, and when you subscribe we will reach out to you with your author account credentials. If you are interested in subscribing you can also reach out to us first.

Once you subscribe, allow 12-24 hours to process the subscription during which we will create author account(s) for you and provide you login information. The author account will stay permanently on the site as well as with all of its published content unless elsewhere indicated in other terms.

When you will get your login access to your author accounts on your selected media channel(s), you will be able to logon immediately and start publishing content.

If you need help with professional advice on content strategy, we are glad to provide recommendations and assistance.

If you want to unsubscribe using our services, you can cancel the subscription  anytime.

Once subscribed and paid up, unfortunately we don't provide any refunds. However, you are free to cancel your subscription at any time. If you have difficulties cancelling your subscription, please contact customer service at subscriptions@publishanynews.com.

All of the media channels are directly linked to Google Search Console with automatic sitemaps. Considering that the content is not AI generated and original, Google usually indexes it pretty quick. At times, if there is no indexing for unexplained reasons, we push manual indexing through Google Search Console. Indexing depends a lot on Google, but based on historic performance if the content is original and well written it gets indexed on Google instantly within an hour or a day. If Google doesn't index your content within a day or two, please contact customer service subscriptions@publishanynews.com, and we will assist with manual push. However, due to Google's algorithm we cannot guarantee Google indexing at all times but we do provide best customer service to assist all clients as much as possible to index their content on Google.

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